«Кинотеатр там был и клуб. Рядом площадка была. У нас волейбола не было, в городки играли – «в рюхи» называлось. И взрослые приходили, каждый со своей битой. А фигуры не ставили: в ряд наложат, и там другая партия наложат, и вот сбивают. Даже с работы придут – и тоже играли в биты. А потом уже волейбол-то появился. Я из сапог мяч сшил. Сапоги кирзовые, не кирзовые – из коровьих. Они бахилы назывались. Язычок есть – так сапоги, а без язычка – бахилы назывались»
“There used to be a cinema and a club, and a sports ground nearby. We did not play volleyball back then yet, but we played gorodki – it was called ‘ryukhi’. All grown-ups brought their own bats. The skittles were not arranged in any figures, just placed in a row, and then in another row, and people threw the bat to knock them out. People came to play even after work. And then volleyball came along. I made a ball out of my boots. Maybe they were made of kirza [artificial leather – T.Zh.], or maybe they were made of cow leather. They were called ‘bakhili’. If boots had a tongue, they were called boots, and if they didn’t have a tongue, they were called ‘bakhili’”
«В городки-то, в рюхи, у клуба и взрослые, дети – все играли. Аж до ямы выбивают, штук 20, наверное»
“Everybody played gorodki (we called it ‘ryukhi’) – both grown-ups and kids, at the club, we all did. If the skittles were before the pit, one could knock out up to 20 skittles”
Фотография из личного архива Е.В. Симакова. Photo from the personal archive of E.V. Simakov.